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What is the function of the fire valve and the exhaust valve in the fire fighting?

2020-09-27 17:20:03


What is the function of the fire valve and the exhaust valve in the fire fighting?

One, fire valve


1. Fire valve, normally open, 70 degrees off, generally installed in the air duct through the firewall, the role of fire shutoff, can set the output cable number, temperature automatic smoke exhaust fire valve more than 70 degrees when the valve closed, linkage feed (fill) fan closed;

2. Smoke and fire control valve, normally open, 70 degrees off, same as 1, but more than one telecommunications number input, can be remotely controlled by the elimination control room closed, generally used in ordinary air supply, fire air supplement common air duct system, fire can be controlled to close the room without the need of air supplement;

3. Normally open type smoke exhaust fire valve, 280 degrees fuse closed, normally open, output cable number, and this is similar to 1, but the fuse temperature is different, generally used in fire exhaust pipe through the firewall, flue gas temperature exceeds 280 degrees automatically fuse closed, can be linked to close the smoke exhaust fan.

Two, smoke exhaust valve

1. Normally closed type smoke exhaust fire valve (normally closed, opened by telephone number, 280-degree fuse closed, or manually closed) is generally used in the smoke exhaust system, which can be installed in the suction entrance of the smoke exhaust fan. In case of fire, the smoke exhaust fan can be opened by the control room, and the smoke exhaust fan can be shut down interlocked when closed; Fire control valve

2. Smoke exhaust valve, same as above; Each unit is called different, some according to its action temperature is called smoke valve, some according to its use nature is called fire valve, but for the equipment side is just the common fire valve fuse metal into 280 degrees fusible that one;

3. Automatic smoke exhaust fire valve (used in subway engineering) fire and smoke exhaust valve of underground railway ventilation and air conditioning system has linkage control function with automatic fire alarm equipment and gas fire extinguishing system. Each automatic smoke and fire prevention valve has two independent electric control signals, which are respectively monitored by EMCS and gas elimination system. The control signals are both DC24V±0.1 signals. Each automatic smoke proof and fire proof valve has six independent feedback signals (three open in position, three close in position) feedback signals are normally open passive contact signals. Smoke outlet If you have the necessary smoke outlet installed in the pipe line, use a common single-layer louver; Otherwise, you need to use a plate smoke outlet, which at the same time with smoke exhaust fire valve mechanism.


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